About Me

Hello and welcome to my blog! I will be sharing images from each of my sessions on this page as well and any cool news I have going on or fab competitions I have coming up so keep an eye open… Enjoy reading…. K Lou xx

Monday 20 June 2011

List, list, list's......

I have a new found love...ok ok....obsession with list's right now. If I don't write it down it just don't get done and I have list's for nearly everything you can imagine, work, photography, editing, Rose, home life you name it I have it. Another list I have on the go right now is my wish list.

My wish list is the lovely, yummy and very expensive things I would love, no sorry, NEED for my photography. It's never ending, I need a new camera bag, new lenses, new filter's, new pc, oh yes and of course a new camera!!!

I am saving up for the fab Canon 7D right now, still have a long way to go but I can't wait till I have enough to get it, I think it would be make a huge difference to my work and would make me oh so happy. I don't see there ever being an end to this wish list somehow :0)

Hope your all having a great Monday so far.......... K Lou xx

Monday 13 June 2011

Time of Reflection

I have just come back from a wonderful family holiday with my hubby, my little lady and my parents. It was so nice to get away and to have time to spend with my husband and Rose. I got to practice lots with my photography and went to some truly beautiful places while in Devon.
I had a lot of time to reflect on my journey with photography so far and the pressure and stress as well as the joy starting up my own business has brought to me. I never in a million years thought I would be where I am today and I know I still have a long way to go and lot to learn but I am actually really proud of myself.
When I very first started back in March last year I was over keen to get as many bookings as possible, to get my name out there and work all hours I could to do the best job I could do. It was very disheartening when I never got many bookings and there were many times I nearly gave up. I never really went to give it all in but you do  get days when you worry your work is not good enough, do I have the eye for it, am I making people happy.
I am pleased I stuck at it and I hope all the new photographer's out there who are also just starting up or somebody just about to start anything new, that you give it your all and know that there will always be times when things get hard and you feel like you are facing a brick wall, but keep going with it ........it will all be worth it in the end K lou x